Facebook Social Posting
Contents Social Management Feature Social Management Roles Authenticating Facebook Selecting Facebook Pages for Social Posting Creating Facebook Social Posts Conclusion To Facebook Social Posting…
How to Export Reports
In the dashboard, you have the ability to export your Analytics and Review Analysis reports directly from those pages. Exporting a Report To export your report:…
Managing Users in Your Marqii Account
Creating Users To create a user in your Marqii account: Navigate to the User Management page In the the User Management page, click on Create User You'll receive a "Create User" pop up with a First…
Steps to Claim and Delegate Apple Business Connect
If you have already claimed your Apple Business Location, you can skip the claiming process below and follow the delegation steps. Steps to claim Apple Business locations: In Apple Business Connect,…
Email Reports
Emailed reports allow you to receive automated reports for your analytics and review analysis data. This allows you to take a hands-on approach to keeping an eye on your data.…
Connecting your Facebook account to Marqii
Connecting your Facebook account to Marqii allows the syncing of your location data, hours, and menus directly to your Facebook Profile. You much first authorize Marqii to be able to access your…
Review Notifications
Review notifications allow you to receive notifications for reviews based on a set of criteria. If the criteria for your review notification is met, you will be sent an email to notify you about your…
How to Update your Payment Method to ACH
To update your payment method to ACH please follow these steps: Log into your Marqii account on our billing website with your current billing email address.…
How to Update Holiday Hours
Note: Holiday hours should be used for holidays as well as any one-off changes to your hours. For example, you're closing early one night. Navigate to the Locations page and select the location you…
Delegating Marqii as an Owner or Manager of your Google Business Profile
Instead of manually Connecting your Google account to Marqii you may delegate ownership or managerial access of your account to Marqii. This allows Marqii to create new Google Business Profiles and…
Connecting your Yelp account to Marqii
Connecting your Yelp account to Marqii allows the syncing of your location data, hours, and menus directly to your Yelp profile. You must first authorize Marqii to be able to access your Yelp data…
Connecting your Google account to Marqii
Connecting your Google account to Marqii allows the syncing of your location data, hours, and menus directly to your Google My Business Profile. You much first authorize Marqii to be able to access…
Logging in to your Marqii Account
Go to the Marqii App and sign in to your Marqii account to access your account, manage your listings and reviews from your dashboard, and more. To sign in to your Marqii account,…