How to Create a Section

There are currently two methods you can use to create a section.

Menu Details page

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.
  2. Click on the menu you wish to assign a section to, this will open the Menu Details page for this specific menu.
  3. Click on the Create Section button.


This will open a New Section drawer where you will be able to create a new section. 

Sections Page

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.

  2. Click on the Sections tab within the tab listings under Menus.
  3. Click on the Create Section button.


Note: If you have not have any sections currently within your account, you will see two Create Section buttons. Both buttons will function the same way.


This will open a New Section drawer where you will be able to create a new section. 


The New Section Drawer

The New Section drawer allows you to go through the creation process for a new section. Within this drawer we are able to:


If you need any further assistance, feel free to contact support at or

1 888-597-2939.

