How to Assign/Unassign Choices to Modifiers

Assigning Choices to Modifiers

There are currently several ways to assign Choices to Modifiers

Modifier Details Page

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.

  2. Click on the Modifiers tab within the tab listings under Menus.
  3. Click on the Modifier you wish to assign to an item, this will open the Modifier Details page for this specific modifier.

From the Modifier Details page we have two ways we can assign a choice to a modifier:

Creating a new Choice

  • Click on the Create Choice button to be taken to be given the New Choice drawer where you can create a new choice that will automatically be added to your item.


Assigning an existing Choice

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Create Choice button and click on Select Existing Choice, 
  2. You will then be greeted with a pop up that allows you to assign multiple choices to this modifier. Search for each choice by typing them into the search field or by navigating the scrollable list.
  3. Once you have selected the choices you would like to assign to your modifier, click Save to save your new settings or click Cancel to discard these changes.


New Choice Drawer

When creating a new choice, the New Choice Drawer allows you to assign the choice that is being created to a modifier.

  1. Click on Assign to Modifiers 
  2. You will then be greeted with a pop up that allows you to assign this choice to multiple modifiers. Search for each item by typing them into the search field or by navigating the scrollable list.
  3. Once you have selected the modifiers you would like to assign your choice to, click Save to save your new settings or click Cancel to discard these changes.


Choices Tab

From the Choices Tab:

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.

  2. Click on the Choices tab within the tab listings under Menus.
  3. Click on the checkbox on the left side of each choice you would like to assign to a modifier.
    Note: you can select multiple choices to assign multiple choices to modifiers at the same time.
  4. Once you have selected the choice(s) you would like to assign to modifiers(s), click on the Assign button.
  5. You will then be greeted with a pop up that allows you to assign these choices to multiple modifiers. Search for each modifier by typing them into the search field or by navigating the scrollable list.
  6. Once you have selected the modifiers you would like to assign your selected choices to, click Save to save your new settings or click Cancel to discard these changes.



Choice Details Page

From the Choice Details Page:

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.

  2. Click on the Choices tab within the tab listings under Menus.
  3. Click on the Choice you wish to assign to a modifier, this will open the Choice Details page for this specific choice.
  4. Click on Assign to Modifiers 
  5. You will then be greeted with a pop up that allows you to assign this choice to multiple modifiers. Search for each modifier by typing them into the search field or by navigating the scrollable list.
  6. Once you have selected the modifiers you would like to assign your choice to, click Save to save your new settings or click Cancel to discard these changes.


Unassigning Choices From Modifiers 

There are currently two ways to unassign Choices from Modifiers. 

From the New Choice Drawer

When creating a new choice, the New Choice Drawer allows you to unassign the choice that is being created from an modifier.

  1. Hover over the modifier you wish to unassign the choice from
  2. Click the "X" to remove the item from the list


From the Choice Details Page

From the Choice Details Page:

  1. Click on the Menus tab on the left side of your account dashboard.

  2. Click on the Choices tab within the tab listings under Menus.
  3. Click on the Choice you wish to assign to a modifier, this will open the Choice Details page for this specific choice.
  4. Hover over the Item you wish to unassign the choice from
  5. Click the "X" to remove the modifier from the list


If you need any further assistance, feel free to contact support at or

1 888-597-2939.

